The Ten Commandments!

Breakdown & Relativity

01) You shall have no other gods before me.
  • This one has to do with a mental distinction. God is the only true God, therefore, any others (i.e. Confucius, Ala, etc.) is not a part of our Christian belief. Also, other gods can mean that which takes focus from the true God... such as money, Career, etc.
02) You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
  • This one has to do with a more physical distinction. Do not create your own tangible image of God (idols, statues, figurines, pictures, etc.).
03) You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.
  • Do not use the name of God in any way that will disrespect, discredit, or disfavor His character or deeds. Do not misuse His name
04) Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
  • God created the earth in six days, and on the Sabbath, He rested. The Sabbath, or seventh day (Sunday), is to be devoted to worship... which is why the primary day to attend church is Sunday. As Christians, we strive to worship God constantly, not just on Sundays.
05) Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.
  • We are expected to hold our parent in high esteem. Not to be confused with blind obedience, as children to our parents, the most basic expectation is to assure that our actions do not disrespect them... actions that can be labeled as offensive, wrongful, and illegal.
06) You shall not murder.
  • Taking of a life is not the right of humans. According to the Bible, those who take a life (intentionally or unintentionally) are sentenced to a penalty of banishment. Only God reserves the right take life.
07) You shall not commit adultery.
  • God instituted marriage at the creation of man and woman and blessed sexual relations between husband and wife. Infidelity (voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than a lawful spouse) is a sin against God.
08) You shall not steal.
  • Dishonest acquiring of another’s goods or assets.
09) You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
  •  Providing false evidence against another.

10) You shall not covet your neighbor’s house.
  • Do not want, with disregard, anything that belongs to another... including physical property and desires of the heart.
